Tuesday 22 November 2011

How To Impress A Girl

     How Can  You Attract a Beautiful Girl
If you are looking for tips on how to impress a girl that include “buy her a flower” or “take her to a nice restaurant”, you have come to the wrong place as this is utter shit. These are not ways to impress a girl. At best, they are ways of showing a girl your interest. Showing a girl your interest does not equal impressing a girl. This is a clear distinction that many men cannot make. You cannot buy a girl’s attraction and your interest in the girl will not make her more attracted to you. So, what is it that you need to do to impress a girl?

                           Be a man

Being a man doesn’t mean taking steroids or flashing a lot of money. Instead, being a man means being in control of your life. You will want to have direction in your life that you are aiming for that doesn’t just include going to bars, playing video games and/or meeting girls. A man will have goals in his life and will work hard for those goals.
If the girl recognizes that you have direction and in your life and are focused on this direction, she will become impressed that you are one of the few men who actually knows what he wants. You can also take this direction to relationships. If you know what you want in a girl and a relationship, the girl will be more attracted to you then someone who is iffy about everything from his life to his relationships. Be in control of your life by being a man.

             Be true to yourself

It’s pretty easy to spot someone who isn’t true to himself. You see it all the time from guys who try to look tough, be a playboy, or act pseudo-intellectual. The guys who try to play parts without being fully congruent with that character are often seen as unnatural and out of touch with reality. We say this over and over again, but you don’t have to be Brad Pitt or Beckham to get a smoking hot girl to be attracted to you. All you need to do is be congruent with yourself and be confident with who you are. However, you need to understand that this doesn’t mean that a guy who plays video games all day at the expense of exercising or socializing should expect to get the hottest girl in the club. In this example, this guy has failed rule number one (being a man) and will likely have trouble figuring out how to impress a girl.
Even with this being said, a guy who is 100% congruent with his personality of a video game nerd will likely have a better chance of attracting a girl than a guy who is attempting to be a playboy while only being 20% congruent with this personality. Girls can get subtle clues through the way you walk and talk that will instantly let them know whether or not you believe in yourself and are congruent with your character.
                                  Don’t be a car salesman
     A major trap that most guys fall into when becoming first attracted to a girl is that they begin to focus all their attention on that girl. The unfortunate aspect of this is that the girl will lose attraction for you if you go overboard with this attention. Just like a car salesman who won’t leave you alone, a guy who is giving too much attention to a girl will give out signs that he is desperate and that he is trying to unload something (himself) that isn’t worth what the girl has to offer (herself). Sticking with the car salesman example, the reason why CarMax has been so successful is because the salespeople are laid-back and aren’t desperate for a sale.
They list their prices on the car windows and they stick with those prices (are 100% congruent with their prices). They don’t try to play games and know their car’s value. Act like a Car Max salesman rather than a stereotypical car salesman to show that you believe in your value and don’t need to jump through hoops to sell yourself.
By focusing on yourself, you can go a long way in impressing the girl based on who you are rather than what you say, what you look like or what you give her. This is how to impress a girl.


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