Aishwarya, who was admitted in Seven Hills Hospital, Mumbai on Monday night, delivered the baby today. The good news was shared by her father-in-law and megastar Amitabh Bachchan on his micro-blogging site, who excitedly wrote that he has now become a grandfather. "I AM DADA to the cutest baby girl !!" quoted the veteran star and thanked all by adding further, "A dada ji ... Ecstatic !!!!... - thank you all ..!"
Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan, who brought home his daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and her newborn baby girl Nov. 22, says she looks like her actress mother and will soon be given a name.
The 38-year-old former Miss World-turned-actress was admitted to the hospital Nov. 14 and gave birth to the ninth Bachchan Nov. 16.
“Aishwarya had a normal delivery. She was firm despite being in acute labor for three hours. She was brought home today with the baby. Both are doing well,” Bachchan said.
“We first went to Prateeksha as that is our first home. We took the blessings of my late parents and brought them to Jalsa. We are happy that Goddess Laxmi has come to our house,” he said.
When asked to describe the newborn, Bachchan said, “I feel the baby has entirely gone on Aishwarya. She looks just like her; eyes and all. Some family members feel the baby’s face bears some resemblance to Abhishek.”
The family is yet to decide on a name for the child, but Bachchan said no naming ceremony has been planned.
We wish the Bachchans hearty congratulations, especially to the new father-mother Abhishek and Aishwarya.....
A girl was born to star couple Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan at a private hospital here Wednesday morning. The baby, their first child, was born at the Seven Hills Hospital. Mother and daughter were both doing fine.”IT’S A GIRL!!,” Abhishek, 35, posted on micro-blogging site Twitter. He had recently said he wanted a daughter who looked like Aishwarya.
Parents Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan have decided to call their newborn baby 'Beti B,' as suggested by actress Shahana Goswamiuntil they find a good name. While everyone is waiting for Aishwarya Rai’s baby girl to be named officially,Abhishek has given her a nickname.The nickname was suggested by Abhishek’s Game co-star Shahana Goswami.It's nickname is Beti B. The Bachchans have been inundated with various suggestions of names ever since Aishwarya Rai gave birth to her daughter on November 16.
Actor Abhishek Bachchan, who recently became the father of a baby girl, has thanked his fans for their good wishes and is now asking them to suggest names for his newborn.
“And suggestions for names are very welcome guys. Something with ‘A’,”
His wife, Aishwarya Rai, gave birth to their first child on November 16 at Mumbai’s Seven Hills Hospital and since then, the Bachchan family is receiving congratulatory messages from around the globe.
“To receive all this love from all of you. Oh ya! And our crew grows past 800,000. A huge welcome to all the new ones…And the congratulatory messages still pour in. Thank you so much guys. All of you are wonderful and so sweet. My daughter is so blessed,” he further posted.
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