Sunday 7 July 2013

Women's Health Corner

Since some past year the numbers of women's increase in Pakistan due to wearing tight and fit dresses, lots of women have awareness' of education but thy are unknown to that cause, either they are educated or uneducated they must be aware this cause of cancer, according to Dr Khlida Usmani says "Women's Use tight Breaser and their body cant expand by this and particles of tissues are slight make some types of stone on their body their body cant expand due to wearing tight braser even other cause is use of nylon form and specially in black color breaser make cause of breast cancer. Because black color absorbed dangerous rays form sun that affects their breast directly 
Over the past several decades, important facts and concepts have emerged as key in shaping health care for women. Among the factors especially worth examining are the diagnostic imaging procedures that can shape women's health. Advances in traditional women's health are being seen in the diagnostic imaging field every day. BAB Radiology is committed to the women of Long Island and the health of their families. View our Women's Health Corner link and see  articles and information posted about relevant topics for women in New York including relevant and up to date information on breast cancer.


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