Wednesday 9 November 2011

Tips to Develop a Successful Dating

   Successful Dating Tips 
It is difficult to define what exactly makes a successful date but what we are often guilty of is thinking it has to lead to marriage and children for it to be worthwhile. Dating is valuable part of an interesting journey and the fun part is that the outcome can rarely be predicted!
A successful date starts with a discerning choice. It would be silly to accept a date from anyone who asks just because they’ve shown a bit of interest. You need to have some basis to thinking your date will be enjoyable, you might have only met the person for a few minutes in a bar or made a judgement from their online dating profile.

It is unrealistic to set a rigid criteria for a potential partner (like age, profession or physical appearance) but be sure you can see compatibility with these things. If you really aren’t comfortable with dating someone twenty years your senior then tactfully tell the person you don’t think you are suited.

Trust your instincts when trying to decide if you want to date someone, if you have some kind of niggling doubt or something doesn’t feel right then it probably isn’t. There is no point in agreeing to go on a date with someone because you hope you’ll find out you are a good match once you get there when you feel quite negative about it before you go.
You need to have a curiosity to get to know the person better. You also need to fancy them – whilst it is unrealistic to expect someone with the looks of a model you should find something about them attractive and sexy. If you start with this and you can see a little compatibility with their personality then you have something to build upon when you get to know each other a little better.
The ideal outcome of a date is that you enjoy the time you spend and you get to know enough about the person to decide if you want to see them again or not. It is not a failure if you decide the latter, you may have had a really good laugh and got on like a house on fire but just didn’t fancy each other. Who knows, you may even make a new friend instead of a potential lover! Keep it amicable at the end of the date whatever you may be thinking inside, always be polite.
If you want time to decide what you’d like to do next then just say you’ll be in touch in a day or so. Don’t ever feel pressured into having another date with someone who’s company you didn’t really enjoy just to ‘give it another go’. It’s true that first date nerves can spoil things a little but if you really didn’t enjoy yourself then you probably won’t a second time around.
Dating is a great way to spend a little time with people who invariably will have very different personalities and outlooks on life. Even if you don’t find someone you really want to keep seeing after dating a number of people it is guaranteed you will have a much better idea of what you would really like in a partner, what you couldn’t tolerate and how much variety there is out there. Now that’s successful dating!


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